Why Juice Detox?

If we want to support our health and wellbeing, it’s vital that we clean, strengthen, and regenerate our cells and tissues.

Me picking strawberries
Orange juice

But in the modern world, our bodies are constantly being bombarded with unnatural toxins. It's estimated that we each have 5-10lbs of accumulated toxic waste in our bodies.

These days, there are heavy metals and chemicals in our water, pollutants in the air, EMFs everywhere, 5G towers being installed on every corner, and harmful substances like pesticides in our food. On top of that, harsh chemicals are added to cleaning and beauty products, some of which we put directly onto our skin. Every day we ingest chemicals, use medication, eat refined sugars and processed foods, and consume various stimulants and sedatives.

This is not entirely our fault!

Big Pharma, big tech, and multimillion-dollar corporations are in the business of making us sick without our knowledge. Needless to say, marketing and ads are not honest about the impact of the products they promote.

As a result, toxicity is becoming a health crisis. More and more people are suffering from chronic fatigue, bloating, headaches, migraines, skin irritation, and weakened immune systems. These are sometimes referred to as “mystery illnesses,” but they can often be healed by taking positive action. That’s why I love juice detoxing.

Benefits of
Juice Detoxing

Ivonka holding a watermelon juice and a puppy

During a juice fast, you drink 4-5L of juice a day, nourishing your body with a plethora of vitamins, phytonutrients, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and minerals. At the same time, your digestive system is resting. This allows your body to redirect the energy normally used for digestion towards healing.

A juice fast allows your body to cleanse itself. Think of it as your body taking care of “house cleaning,” otherwise known as detoxification.

Depending on the length of the cleanse, a juice detox is a great way to reset your body. It:

  • Gives you a different perspective on the food choices you’ve been making.
  • Builds self-discipline and self-confidence.
  • Encourages you to make healthier food choices after the juice fast ends.
  • Helps your body get rid of harmful toxins.

As a result, you may notice that:

  • You need less sleep and feel more refreshed in the morning.
  • Your immune system is stronger.
  • You heal faster.
  • Your skin becomes soft and silky.
  • You experience greater ease of movement.
  • Breathing becomes fuller, freer, and deeper.
  • Your taste buds are retrained to prefer healthier food.
  • Your metabolism improves, as cell oxygenation is being restored.
  • Fecal matter in the colon dissolves and passes out of the body more frequently.
  • Your digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective; the peristaltic action of the intestines becomes stronger.
  • Detoxification eliminates those things that allow disease to set in, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, and stored up worries and emotions.
  • Body fat breaks down and releases fat-stored chemicals (such as pesticides, drugs, etc.), which re-enter the blood and are then eliminated.
  • Elimination of toxins speeds up and the rate of incoming toxins is reduced, meaning that total body toxicity decreases rapidly.
  • There is less fat in your body fluids, and as a result, your blood becomes thinner and the oxygenation of tissues and movement of white blood cells becomes more efficient.

The good news is that your body is built to eliminate toxins and waste, and it works hard to do so every single day. So give it a little help with a juice cleanse.